Question - Answer
Question - Answer
Is Acupressure painful for the animal ?
Is Acupressure painful for the animal ?
Acupressure is not painful. It is a gentle and non-invasive method that allows the intensity of the session to be adapted at any time, according to the animal's responses and reactions.
Sometimes, when a point needs attention, it may be less pleasant or more responsive than others; these reactions provide me with valuable information that allows me to adapt my approach and offer a gentle work.

Are there any side effects to acupressure?Â
Are there any side effects to acupressure?Â
After a session, some animals feel the need to rest, others on the contrary may feel the need to exert themselves. Some may be a little sore while others will be "lighter".
Many of them are very thirsty directly or a little after the session and rarely we can witness some slight gastrointestinal disturbances.
These manifestations do not last and usually pass after 24-48 hours.
Is there any side effects to naturopathy ?
Is there any side effects to naturopathy ?
Some naturopathic plants and techniques may have side effects and/or interfere with a treatment put in place by your veterinarian. For these reasons it is important to:
Call on a trained and certified naturopathic practitioner, so that the natural help proposal is adapted to your companion, his situation and that any treatment in progress is correctly taken into consideration.
Always keep your veterinarian informed of the supplements you give your pet. If there is a veterinary treatment in progress, this information will allow him to have all the parameters in hand to best follow your companion and if no treatment is in progress, it will allow him to take this factor into account during his follow-up.

How many sessions will my pet need?
How many sessions will my pet need?
Each follow-up is personalized, so its length depends on your companion and his current situation.
In general, one could say that a follow-up for transient and minor manifestations often requires 2 to 3 sessions whereas a situation that has been in place for a while, which persists, chronic or recurrent manifestations, a traumatic state, etc., requires follow-up over a longer period.
What kinds of questions should I expect during the acupressure session for my pet?
What kinds of questions should I expect during the acupressure session for my pet?
I'm going to ask you a lot of questions - some on the living conditions of your companion, his past experiences, his way of managing his environment, his behavioral or environmental habits etc... no doubt some will seem unexpected to you.
The Chinese Medicine (CCM) takes into account the whole being, each individual is made of physical, mental and emotional aspects. This is why all these questions are so important. The answers you can provide will allow me to collect even more data offering me the possibility of making links to find the source of the present imbalance.
This is also the reason why, when you have an appointment for the first time, the session can sometime lasts a bit longer.

Why take into account so many external factors, such as the time of the events, the favorite position of my dog at the moment, the weather or the current season?
Why take into account so many external factors, such as the time of the events, the favorite position of my dog at the moment, the weather or the current season?
Why take into account so many external factors, such as the time of the events, the favorite position of my dog at the moment, the weather or the current season? TCM links the functioning of nature with the physiological functioning of the body. What's more, we know that certain external factors have a certain impact on the body - take the example of spring for people with allergies, cold and wet weather for people suffering from rheumatism or the impact of a heat wave on the body, these situations are multitudinous and if they speak to us humans, they are also true for animals.
Each of these reactions, even the most discreet, in connection with the external environment and nature, gives indications not only on the individual and his functioning but also on the situation which concerns him.
I have some of the natural mixture left that worked so well on my dog, can I just give it to my other dog who shows almost the same signs?
I have some of the natural mixture left that worked so well on my dog, can I just give it to my other dog who shows almost the same signs?
All naturopathic advice is specific and personal to the animal for which it has been advised. Never use a preparation or a mixture on an animal for which it was not originally intended without first asking the advice of the practitioner who advised you or your veterinarian. This will avoid the risk of contraindications or undesirable side effects.

I have stored the product intended for my animal, can I use it beyond the expiry date indicated on the bottle?
I have stored the product intended for my animal, can I use it beyond the expiry date indicated on the bottle?
Despite all the attention that you bring to the conservation of natural products, the expiry dates are important to respect. Why ?
Because some active ingredients degrade in light, with the effect of oxygen, temperature or humidity, some are relatively quickly invaded by bacteria... All these factors will degrade or end up rendering the active ingredients ineffective. Much more troublesome, when certain bacteria colonize the preparation, there is a risk for your animal.
So always be vigilant not only to respect the dates and deadlines on your packaging or bottle and follow the storage instructions.
FYI and because I see it very often, ear solutions and eye drops (ear and eye drops) need to be sterile because they come into direct contact with the inner ear and eye respectively. They can only be kept for one month after opening (unless packaged in a bottle designed for storage and which specifies otherwise).