Practical Information
Practical Information
So that you can choose what best suits your companion,
sessions take place at Beltainn space or at your home.
My work area is Fribourg, Vaud & Valais.
Presence Hours - from 17.04.2023
Presence Hours - from 17.04.2023
Sessions take place
From Monday to Saturday
by appointment only
Location of the session can be
° At the Beltainn space (mon-sat)
° At your home (mon-fri)
° Where you animal lives (equines)
Outside of these hours or if I'm curently on an appointment, do not hesitate to leave me a message,
I'll get back to you as soon as possible
The Sessions
The Sessions
Acupressure & naturopathic support
AcuSession - DistantAcu - Guardian | Animal session
At home / animal's residence or at distance
Dogs - Cats :
Duration approx. 45 - 60 min 70 Frs
Equines :
Duration approx. 1h15 - 1h30 100 Frs
Acupressure Discovery
At home / animal's residence only
A session centered around wellness and relaxing
Dogs - Cats :
Duration approx. 30 min 50 Frs
Equines :
Duration approx. 45 min 65 Frs
Other charges
Travel costs : the first 20km are free
Fribourg 0.70ct / km
Vaud (-> rég. Lsne) 0.80ct/ km
Valais (-> St.-Maurice) 0.80ct / km
The mileage costs are for a return trip.
Located at Ecuvillens in the canton of Fribourg,
I travel in these swiss regions :
Fribourg & some areas of Vaud & Valais.
The first 20 km are free.
The following km are calculated according to the region (see above)
The mileage costs are for a return trip.
Grouping sessions in the same area (village, district, barn etc.) is absolutely possible and the travel costs are therefore divided between the number of guardians.
Payment Terms
Payment Terms
Sessions are paid at the end
- in cash
- via the Twint app (increase of 1.3% corresponding to transaction fees)
Transfers are possible before the sessions
or on specific request
Cancellations announced less than
24 hours before the scheduled
appointment will be due.
Prices are subject to change without notice
Scan the QR code
Enter the appropriate amount
Paypal ID
CH14 0900 0000 1563 0831 3